Itchy Scalp After Shampooing, How Can That Be?
Mia Wadsworth is a former sufferer of dry and itchy scalp. She managed to cure her condition by utilizing various natural remedies she discovered during her intense research period. Now it’s all laid out for you in this detailed guide to dry, itchy and flaky scalp.

Looking for ways to treat your dry, itchy scalp? The Dry Itchy Scalp Remedies eBook has got you covered! Even if you’ve tried everything and nothing has ever worked!

Dry Itchy Scalp Treatment

Itchy Scalp After Shampooing, How Can That Be?

Itchy Scalp After Shampooing
Itchy scalp has several causes, ranging from skin conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis to dry skin. Those conditions usually signify several underlying health problems such as liver disease, iron deficiency and anemia. However, if you experience severe itching sensation, that can serve as a sign of certain set of conditions. Having a good understanding of the possible causes of your itchy scalp can raise your chances of successfully diagnosing and treating your condition. The following are three possible causes of itchy scalp that you should be familiar with:

1. Allergic Irritation or Reaction
Before choosing or buying shampoos, you should check its content; make sure that you aren’t exposing yourself to chemicals and topical agents that might irritate your scalp. There are allergy triggering substances which can heavily irritate your scalp causing conditions such as flakiness, redness and itchiness. If you experience allergic reactions after using a particular brand of store bought shampoo, immediately discontinue usage and visit your physician or dermatologist as soon as possible.

2. Folliculitis
Folliculitis occurs when hair follicles are infected with bacteria. This condition may occur due to excessive perspiration. Friction from shaving may also lead to infection; folliculitis can occur if your hair-care routine involves excessive shaving of your head. Dermatitis can also cause folliculitis, but if it’s still in its early stages, it can usually disappear by itself. You can determine what treatments are appropriate for your extreme folliculitis by diagnosing your specific type of dermatitis. The treatments may include oral or topical antibiotics and antifungal medications.

3. Contact Dermatitis
If you have direct contact with shampoos and other hair-care products, there is a high possibility that you may already contracted dermatitis or skin inflammation, marked by red, itchy scalp. According to, other symptoms may appear, including rash, pain, red bumps, patches and blisters. Allergic contact dermatitis can take place after a single instance of exposure to an allergens contained in the product. Dermatitis on the other hand, usually occurs from repeated exposure to a particular allergy triggering substance. Both dermatitis treatments can include oral medications and creams which are over-the-counter hydrocortisone-based.

Considerations: For your concern and consideration, itchy scalp may have been present on your scalp before you use shampoos and become irritated by the materials contained. It is better for you to consult your physician for proper treatment and diagnosis. If left untreated, the health of your scalp may further worsen.

Warning: Over-the-counter creams may actually worsen your irritation. Your physician will give you recommendation about the proper creams and other treatments you should take. Explain to your physician all of the symptoms and other skin issues you’re experiencing to help your doctor manage the best possible treatment.
Posted by: Dry Itchy Scalp Dry Scalp Remedies, Updated at: 19.36